6:00 AM Mason got up early this morning and watched TV with me until it was time to take JJ to work at 7:00. I had him get back in his bed and watch TV there until I came back. Once I came home and Cameron woke up, I fixed breakfast of pancakes and eggs. They both ate very well. At 10:45 I gave the boys a bath and washed their hair. They were both very dirty. When I asked Cameron how long it had been since he took a bath he said Monday or Tuesday. This does not surprise me.
11:30 I left to go pick JJ up from work while Jason finished getting the boys dressed. Once I came home, Rusty was home from work and I took my shower.
12:30 The boys and I left the house to left Pawpaw take a nap. We went to my mother's (MeMaw) apartment to feed the ducks, fish and turtles and to let the boys play at the playground.After we left the house I called Jason to remind him to pick up Cameron"s medicine and his DX(computer game)from Jamie's apartment before leaving town. Cameron did not take his medicine this morning and I can tell. He has been very difficut so far today and between him and his brother they have pushed my buttons today.
2:00 The boys and I picked Pawpaw up. I called Jason again to find out why he had not picked up Cameron's medicine. He said Jamie was not at home and was not answering her phone. I wondered what would have happened if there was an emergency. We went to KFC for lunch, then went back to McDonalds to let the kids play. Today's tempature was almost 100 and they have a inside playground where the kids can play in comfort. Since there are no kids in our neighborhood, this is a good place for them to play with other kids.
4:30 When we came home, Pawpaw laid down again, Cameron started playing his game on the computer and Mason started watching his favorite movie (Cars) but fell asleep.
6:30 I woke up Pawpaw and Mason from thier naps and he and the boys went outside to play pitch.
7:15 Pawpaw, the boys and I went to Walmart to shop for something for supper. While we were in the car, Jason finally called to check on the boys. Jamie has not bothered to call but then she rarely does.
8:30 We came home, I cooked supper, we ate and the boys got ready for bed.
10:15 It has been one of the most difficult days I have spent with the boys. They have fought like cats and dogs all day and they have spent more time in time out than in their room playimg. I know some of Cameron's mood is because he hasn't taken his medicine today(atleast I think its only today) and because Mason copies his brother, he has been more difficult than usual today. But I also think Cameron is beginning to realize that things are changing in his life and Jason and Jamie are not paying enough attention to him and his brother. He seems to get more attention when he is bad so therefore he acts bad. He hears more than they realize and knows what is going on. He hears the fights over Jamie's drinking. He told us today that his mom drinks alot and sometimes he see her drinking her wine straight from the bottle. It breaks my heart that he is not being allowed to act like an 8 year old but has to look out for his brother because his mom sometimes can't.
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