Pawpaw took JJ to work today while I let the boys sleep a little later than usual. When I woke up Mason he complained that his throat hurt and he felt warm to the touch. But after he got up, his cheeks felt cool and he no longer complained of a sore throat. We decided to let him go on to the daycare and if he started to feel bad they could call. At 10:00, Jason called to say that the daycare had called and Mason was again complaining of a sore throat. We picked him up and took him to see his doctor. When we arrived they took his temperature, which was 100.4 and immediately gave him some Tylenol. It turns out his sore throat was enlarged glands. They swabbed his throat for possible strep and pricked his finger for a mono test. After waiting for almost a hour, the doctor came back and said that both test were negative but she felt that it was still either mono or a infection in the gland. They had to take a blood test from his arm to send to an outside lab and they gave him a shot of antibiotics in his leg. We are to return tomorrow for the lab results and to check on the swollen glands. Needless to say, Mason is not a happy camper with band aids on his finger, arm and leg. We stopped at McDonalds for the chicken nuggets I promised him, he ate and then laid down to watch his WALL-
E movie. He was asleep and snoring within minutes.

Bless his heart. Sure hope it's no mono. That stuff is BAD! And contagious. Let me know.
ReplyDeleteLove and miss you all.