6:30 am Jamie dropped Cameron off as usual. I went ahead and got dressed so that once we dropped Jarred off at work I could take Cameron to the store to get what he wanted for his sack lunch since today was field day at school. After I dropped him at his classroom I went to help with the preparations for field day. I stayed all day helping with the concessions and only left at 2:15 to pick Jarred up from work. At 2:00 while I was working the concessions, Jamie came up and told me that she had stopped by Cameron's room and he wanted to go home with me and she had something to do anyway.This is just another Friday that she was supposed to pick him up and decided she had something better to do. Since I had to pick Jarred up from work, Rusty picked Cameron up from school at 3:10.
Rusty, Cameron and I picked Mason up from daycare at 5:30 and came home to let them play with Jason for a little while. Since it is Friday and our day ( we have aways kept the boys on Friday night so that Jason and Jamie coud have a date night) Jason went to the movies and we went to supper at Ryan's. After we ate, Rusty took Cameron to Monkey Joe's while Mason and I went to Target to get the boys some PJ's. I have been giving the boys a bath here and sending them home in the PJ's I keep here and Jamie has not sent them back.
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