Everyone slept in late today except Jarred (the boys call him JJ) who had to go to work. I fixed breakfast of waffles, bacon, sausage and eggs and then Jason gave the boys a bath and then they played for a while before it was time to take them home at 12:00. This is an arrangement made between Jason and Jamie after she moved out but which she seems to change whenever she has something better to do. Today she decided she wanted to lay by the pool with her friend Lisa and said that since she has the boys during the week she thinks he should have them every weekend until Sunday at noon. She says he doesn't spend enough time with them. She is the one that does not spend enough time with them as she only sees them from 6:30 pm until bedtime (8:00pm) and maybe 45 minutes in the morning before they leave the house. Jason sees them every day from 4:00 until he takes them home at 6:30 and then all weekend until Sunday at noon. We don't mind them staying here and would like it if they just stayed here all the time. They always cry when it is time to go home. Jamie says it is because they have fun here and not at home which is true. Here they are allowed to go outside(with supervision) and have attention paid to them where as at home all they do is play on the computer and watch TV.
1:00pm We met Jason and the boys at Burger King for lunch and for them to play for a while before he took them to get a haircut. Afterwards we came home to work in the yard. Jason and the boys helped and then we had supper and Jason and the boys watched a movie before going to bed. It was a good day.
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