This is my daily diary of my grandsons life after their parents breakup. I know everyone says you can't love anyone more than your own children but this isn't true. It's just a different kind of love.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I got the boys up, fed them, dressed them and took everyone where they needed to be. I came home and made copies of all my blog posts to take to Jason's lawyer tomorrow. It took quite some time as I had problems with my computer and had to put the printer on Jason's computer. At 1:35 I received a call from Jamie stating that the school had called and that I had forgotten to pick Cameron up from school. I had forgotten that today was a early release day. I left immediately and picked him up. He was in the office and was fine. We came home, I gave him a snack and he played until Jason came home. He did not have homework but needed to read for 30 minutes so Jason helped him after his bath and before bed. Jamie brought Mason home at 5:30 and said that she still had not heard from the doctors office. We had supper at 6:00, Jason gave the boys a bath, and then helped Cameron with his reading. Jamie called at 7:00 stating that she had finally heard back from the nurse and that we should start Mason on Claritin for 7 days. While Jason gave the boys their baths I went to Walmart and got the Claritin and something for Cameron's cough. The boys watched TV until time for bed.

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