This is my daily diary of my grandsons life after their parents breakup. I know everyone says you can't love anyone more than your own children but this isn't true. It's just a different kind of love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Pawpaw took JJ to work at the usual time of 7:00 while I stayed at home and let the boys sleep until 7:30. I got them up, dressed,fed and then Pawpaw took them to school and daycare. Pawpaw had a doctors appointment today so he and I spent the morning there and then we went shopping for shoes for him and winter school uniforms (long pants and long sleeve shirts) for Cameron. Pawpaw and I picked Cameron up from school at 3:10 and then took him home to start homework. Jason called at 5:30 to say that both he and Jamie were working late and asked if Pawpaw would pick Mason up from daycare. Pawpaw and Mason came home at 6:10 and he and the boys played outside until Jason came home. Jason was going to take them over to Jamie's but she came by at 6:30 to pick them up instead. After they left, Jason left to go get the boys something to eat and he took it over to them. I thought that Jamie was feeding them on the nights she has them but it seems that maybe Jason is taking them something.

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