This is my daily diary of my grandsons life after their parents breakup. I know everyone says you can't love anyone more than your own children but this isn't true. It's just a different kind of love.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


6:30 I took JJ to work and then took the boys to daycare. Today was my birthday so I decided that I would take the day off from job hunting. I spent most of the morning straightening the house and catching up on my blog reading. It was a quite day until around 2:00 when JJ called to say that he had a flat tire and I needed to pick him and a friend up. By the time I came home it was time to pick Cameron up from the "Y" as I had told him I would take him to get a haircut. When I arrived a the "Y" , I was told he was not there because they had gone to the skate center. I was told I could pick him up there, but when I got to the skate center they had already left and I had to drive back to the "Y". Needless to say I was not a happy camper. When we finally arrived to get his haircut, there was a 45 minute wait so I decided to go another day.
When we got home, Pawpaw and Memaw were already there and were in the process of getting supper(grilled steaks, baked potatoes, salad and rolls) ready.
Jamie picked up Mason from daycare and brought him home at 6:00 and we ate. Rusty had also purchased a birthday cake. This is something he usually forgets.
After supper the boys played, had their baths and went to bed around 8:30.

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