We let the boys sleep late on Wednesdays as it is Pawpaw's day off and he can take JJ to work while I stay at home with the boys. Once the boys get up, I dress them, feed them breakfast and he takes them on to school while I start to get ready. Cameron starts back to school next week and we have started purchasing his school supplies. I decided to go online to his school's website to see if I could get a list of the supplies he needed. I now understand what the school system is trying to do. They are having the parents purchase a lot of the supplies to cut down on expenses. Below is a list of what we are required to purchase this year.
3rd grade class
1 black dry erase marker
1 pack index cards (4x6)
1 spiral notebook
1 comp notebook
3 two pocket folders with prongs
3 two pocket folders without prongs
1 box zip lock sandwich bags
1 package baby wipes
2 boxes facial tissue
2 rolls paper towels
2 bottles hand sanitizer
1 pump bottle hand soap
4 large glue sticks
1 box #2 pencils
1 box 24 crayons
1 box classic colored markers
1 book bag
Spanish Class
1 blue two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 small package block or flat erasers
Music Class
1 red two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 bottle hand sanitizer
Tech Lab
1 red two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 blank CD
After Pawpaw came back from checking his stores, we went to Waffle House for brunch and then to Target and Walmart for the school supplies. I tried to get a little extra in case some of the kids were not able to purchase theirs. The area that Cameron's school is in is not the most affluent and some of the children are very poor. Cameron is in the gifted program there or he would be in a different school.
Cameron has also decided that he wants to wear the school uniform (dark blue or white shirt, khaki or dark blue pants) this year. I was able to find 3 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts to start the year off. We will find more later. I gave all the receipts to Jason and he will repay me for everything.
3rd grade class
1 black dry erase marker
1 pack index cards (4x6)
1 spiral notebook
1 comp notebook
3 two pocket folders with prongs
3 two pocket folders without prongs
1 box zip lock sandwich bags
1 package baby wipes
2 boxes facial tissue
2 rolls paper towels
2 bottles hand sanitizer
1 pump bottle hand soap
4 large glue sticks
1 box #2 pencils
1 box 24 crayons
1 box classic colored markers
1 book bag
Spanish Class
1 blue two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 small package block or flat erasers
Music Class
1 red two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 bottle hand sanitizer
Tech Lab
1 red two pocket folder with prongs
paper for folder
1 blank CD
After Pawpaw came back from checking his stores, we went to Waffle House for brunch and then to Target and Walmart for the school supplies. I tried to get a little extra in case some of the kids were not able to purchase theirs. The area that Cameron's school is in is not the most affluent and some of the children are very poor. Cameron is in the gifted program there or he would be in a different school.
Cameron has also decided that he wants to wear the school uniform (dark blue or white shirt, khaki or dark blue pants) this year. I was able to find 3 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts to start the year off. We will find more later. I gave all the receipts to Jason and he will repay me for everything.
Since it is Wednesday, Jamie picked the boys up and will keep them tonight. She will take them to school tomorrow.
Hi Meme:
ReplyDeleteYou entered a giveaway that I hosted on my blog at Just a Bunch of Nothin'....and you WON :)
Please send me an e-mail at Balvanzfamily@gmail.com and I will mail you the "Apples to Apples" game that you won.
Thanks for playing and have a blessed day!