Jason was off today so he took the boys this morning while I took JJ to work. Once I came home I took my shower and dressed to go out for the morning. I met Pawpaw and Jason at home for sandwiches for lunch at 11:30. While we ate we discussed the possibility of Cameron taking classes in martial arts and possibly starting soccer. I think this will help Cameron learn discipline and help burn off some of his energy. Jason looked into several karate schools and decided to check out Primier Martial Arts School. He and Cameron will go tomorrow to see if Cameron would like to try it. I picked Cameron up at 2:00 and brought him home so he could play with his friend Ashley who is visiting her grandmother down the street. They were outside all afternoon either playing ball or in the pool. Jason left around 4:00 to go to the store and to pick up Mason from daycare. I think Jamie told him she had to work late but then she came by at 5:00. She stayed outside watching the kids play in the pool until Jason and Mason came home at 5:15. Then she left after giving the boys a kiss. Jason fixed supper (spaghetti) while I gave the boys their baths. Once we ate, the boys watched TV before going to bed.
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