This is my daily diary of my grandsons life after their parents breakup. I know everyone says you can't love anyone more than your own children but this isn't true. It's just a different kind of love.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


6:30 am Jamie dropped Cameron off and we left for school at 8:00. I picked him up from school at 1:15 as today was a early release day.I spent most of the day washing some of Jason's clothes that Jamie decided to throw in the yard and put ketcup on in a fit of rage not long ago.Jason picked up Mason at daycare around 5:00 and we had supper and he then took then home at 6:15. Jamie had called earlier wanting Jason to keep them until around 9:00 pm so she could go out with some of her friends. Jason said he would not keep them for her that late as it was a school night and Cameron needed to be in bed at his regular time. She was not very happy with him but she is the one that wanted to be on her own with the kids. That means no going out during the week and its about being a responsible parent.


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