This is my daily diary of my grandsons life after their parents breakup. I know everyone says you can't love anyone more than your own children but this isn't true. It's just a different kind of love.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Jamie picked the boys up and brought them home around 6:00. They are staying with us every night again. I think Jamie likes it that way because she doesn't have to feed them or take care of them. She sees them for a few minutes on the way home and every other weekend. She even sent over more clothes for them. This gives her more time at night to spend with her friends at the pool and she can drink as much as she wants without them there.
The boys ate supper, then played outside for a little while before taking their baths. They watched TV for a while before going to bed at 8:30.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!

    I'm so glad you're blogging. I think it's good to put everything down in writing. The boys are getting so big. If I blink when I watch them, I can almost think they're Jason and Jared. Time truly does fly!

    I love you.

    ( your new blog look)
